Staff & Contractors
Neels Smit
Etienne Griezel
De Wet Wraight
Lize-Marie Theron
Board of Directors
Thuma Mina Teacher Teachers
Our Policies
Our policies are anchored in our commitment to operate to the highest professional and ethical standards. As a member of the ‘Unashamedly Ethical’ movement and having signed ‘The Independent Code’ we commit to being honest and ethical about our business dealings.
Read more about our specific policies below:
Licensing & Copyright
Thuma Mina Teaching (TMT) produces high-quality educational video content designed to enhance learning across South Africa. Our resources are safeguarded under South African copyright law. Fee-paying schools and online educational institutions looking to use our video lessons or integrate our materials into their Learning Management Systems must acquire an educational license. It is unlawful to utilise TMT's content without our written consent or a valid licence. This policy enables TMT to continue developing and providing educational resources that promote equitable education. For licensing inquiries and more information on integrating TMT content into your educational programmes, please contact
Governance policy
Our governance policy is anchored in our commitment to operate to the highest professional and ethical standards. As a member of the ‘Unashamedly Ethical’ movement and having signed ‘The Independent Code’ we commit to being honest and ethical about our business dealings and to adhere to, amongst others, the following principles:
1. An NPO exists to promote a public benefit purpose, and shall serve the public interest with fidelity, altruism, goodwill and integrity.
2. The capacity and resources of the organisation shall be applied exclusively for the advancement and implementation of its public benefit purpose.
3. The Board accepts primary responsibility to ensure adherence to the core values and principles of good governance set out in the Code, to exercise effective leadership, and to ensure the organisation’s legal and fiscal compliance.
4. The organisation and its office bearers commit themselves to the operational principle of transparency and accountability to donors, beneficiaries and the general public.
5. All Board members and others involved with the organisation undertake to observe utmost good faith, specifically avoiding improper self-benefit or conflicts of interest.
6. The organisation shall deal fairly with its employees and volunteers, including provision for reasonable remuneration or reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses; and it shall observe best practice principles in its staff policies, and in its overall management of human relations.
7. The organisation shall at all times act with fairness, impartiality, and without fear, favour, or prejudice, in the best interests of its beneficiaries, specifically avoiding nepotism and self-benefit.
8. The organisation shall conform to the governance provisions of its constituting documents, and ensure due compliance with all legal, fiscal and other statutory and regulatory duties prescribed by law from time to time.
Our stance on communication and transparency is as follows:
We believe that every NPC should be accountable to their funders and the communities they serve. To this end we commit to transparency and undertake to:
host an AGM which will be open to the public in which our financial reports and business dealings will be discussed
report frequently and accurately. This includes official reporting to funders as well as more general communication to the broader community.
To read the full Unashamedly Ethical and Independent Codes, click on their respective logos.
Financial management policy
As per the ‘Unashamedly Ethical’ code, our core values around financial management include:
To refuse to elicit, accept or pay any bribes, and to encourage others to do the same.
To negotiate all contracts with the utmost integrity, and to honour all our creditors.
To be entirely truthful about our organization and its activities in communications intended to raise funds.
To utilize funding received, and income generated, according to donor intent and in line with the purpose of the organization.
To pay reasonable salaries and wages, and to demand reasonable working hours, within reasonable working conditions.
Dates, budgets and commitments:
Thuma Mina Teaching’s financial year runs from March until February.
The AGM will take place no more than nine months after the financial year ends, ideally within two months after receiving the audited financial reports.
The first board meeting of the year serves to set a budget for the year which is revised and measured at the subsequent meetings.
Thuma Mina Teaching’s accounting and financial reporting will be accurate and up to date. The board will receive a financial report on a quarterly basis.
We commit to issuing accurate and timely Section 18a Certificates and invoices.
As far as possible, Thuma Mina Teaching will seek to operate cash-free. However, if a cash donation is received a cash receipt is issued and if cash is spent a receipt will be kept.
Grant Lifecycle:
Funds that are raised for a specific cause are ring fenced for the purpose of this cause and will not be used for other budget line items without the written consent of the funder and board members. Grants received will follow the basic life cycle starting with:
The Development of Goals
Creating Implementation and Action Plans with Dates and Deliverables
Maintaining Finances
Establishing Reporting and Communication Process
Monitoring Performance
Thuma Mina Teaching financial year runs from March-February: Our latest financial records can be viewed here.
Personnel policy
We strive to have a team of excellent teachers and staff members with different giftings that also resemble the demographics of South Africa. Our recruitment strategy is to work with experts in the field to recruit the best teachers for the role as 'Thuma Mina Teacher'. We do this by speaking to Subject Advisors from the Western Cape Education Department (WCED), as well as to school principals and trusted and established teachers.
Our staff is expected to adhere to a code of ethics and conduct that suits the values and vision of the organisation which are grounded in transparency, ethics and good repute.
We endeavour to deal with our personnel
Our Board of Directors
The board consists of founding members (3), members from the general public (at least 1), and Thuma Mina Teaching staff members (no more than 2).
The board will choose a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary on a yearly basis. When necessary, the board can co-opt independent and expert advisors who, in conjunction with the directors, will be consulted during important decision making processes.
The board will meet a minimum of two times per year. Any member of the board can request additional board meetings with a written motivation.