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Term 1

Lesson 1: Accounting Concepts Part 1

Lesson 2: Accounting Concepts Part 2

Lesson 3 :Source Documents Part 1

Lesson 4: Source Documents Part2

Kwartaal 1

Les 1: Rekeningkundige konsepte - Deel 1

Les 2: Rekeningkundige konsepte - Deel 2

Les 3: Brondokumente - Deel 1

Les 4: Brondokumente Deel 2

Term 2

Lesson 1: Accounting Cycle

Lesson 2: The Accounting Equation

Kwartaal 2

Les 1: Rekeningkundige Siklus

Les 2:  Rekeningkundige Vergelyking

Les 3: Kontantontvangstejoernaal (KOJ)

Term 3

Lesson 1: Accounting equation

Lesson 3: CRJ & CPJ

Term 4

Lesson 1: General Ledger (CRJ)

Lesson 2: General Ledger (CPJ)

Lesson 3: General Ledger (CRJ & CPJ)

Lesson 4: Trail Balance


Term 2

Lesson 1: The Mineral Revolution - Intro and foreknowledge

Lesson 2: The Mineral Revolution: diamond rush & compounds

Lesson 3:The fall of Great African Kingdoms in South Africa

Lesson 4: Gold in the Witwatersrand

Lesson 5&6: Labour During the Mineral Revolution

(Lesson 7 - Coming soon)


Term 2

Lesson 1: Weather Elements

Lesson 2: Pressure 

Lesson 3: Measuring Weather & Heating of the Atmosphere

Lesson 4: Factors that influence temperature


Term 1

Lesson 1: Whole Numbers

Lesson 2: LCM and HCM

Term 2

Lesson 1: Introduction to Algebra

Lesson 2: Like Terms

Coming soon

Natural Sciences

Term 2 

Lesson 1; Atoms Part 1



Kwartaal 2 

Les 1: Minerale Revolusie: Inleiding en Voorkennis

Les 2; Die Diamantstormloop en Kampongs

Les 3: Die val van groot
Afrika Koninkryke

Les 4: Goud in die Witwatersrand

Les 5 & 6 : Kamer van Mynwese, Vakbonde, Randhere en Arbeid

Les 7 - Coming soon


Kwartaal 2

Les 1 : Atome Deel 1

Les 2 - Coming soon

Les 3 - Coming soon